1. American Alligator (Alligator Mississippiensis)- I already talked about this one when I first started this blog, but I would love to try and raise a baby alligator, taking full precautions and being completely prepared in my approach. This one, while at the top of my list, will almost certainly be acquired much later on in my life when I have the space to accomodate it.
2. Gila Monster/ Mexican Beaded Lizard (Heloderma Horridum/Subrufa- I very much want one of the heloderma species, venomous though they may be. I'd get one now if I could afford it, but as it stands I'm simply waiting it out on the price
3. Frilled Lizard (Chlamydosaurus Kingii)- I have had a few opportunities to interact with these beautiful, large agamids, and although often times tempermental, I have always enjoyed their personalities and would love to add one to my collection.
4. Blue Tongued Skink (Genus Tiliqua)- It's a Skink, with a blue tongue! What more need be said?
5. Green Iguana (Iguana Iguana)- I know I've owned one once before, which died tragically and suddenly, but I intend to get another one someday, and do it proper.
6. Savannah Monitor (Varanus Exanthematicus)- Much like the green iguana above, I regrettably have yet to succeed with this beautiful and intelligent monitor species, and wish to give it another go now that I've had some time to step back and look at what went wrong.
7. Kenyan Sand Boa (Gongylophis Colubrinus)- Not particularly hard to find or keep, I just want one.
8. False Water Cobra (Hydrodynastus Gigas)- another venomous herp, but a relatively harmless one as far as they go. I've always been intrigued by this large, elaphid cobra-wannabe.
9. Horned Lizard (Genus Phyrnosoma)- as soon as I find a way to get feeder ants...
10. Rubber Boa (Charina Botae)- Much like the Kenyan Sand Boa, I simply want one of these delightfully docile little snakes, mostly to have a pet snake that is already tame as can be.