Saturday, November 28, 2009

Darwinism At Large- Lucidum Exotics: Your guide to pet reptile ownership and husbandry

Welcome to Darwinism At Large, Lucidum Exotics' guide to the ownership and husbandry of reptiles as pets. The humble scaled ones are not often thought of as "cuddly" or "cute," or even as being animals that can be kept as pets on par with dogs, cats, hamsters, and fish. In truth, they are quite different both in behaviour, feeding, and intelligence. With an unfortunate bad reputation based on the rare yet over-hyped venomous snake or "man eating" crocodile attacks, a negative stigma seems to be attached to reptiles, even in the 2000's era. Luckily, through people such as the late Steve Irwin and the odd Discovery Channel special, people are becoming more and more enlightened about the true nature of our cold blooded friends, and they're starting to become acceptable as a normal pet to own. We here at Lucidum Exotics hope to reinforce that, both through the sales of exotic reptile (and, occassionally, amphibian) specimens as pets and zoological curiousities; and through this comprehensive, species-by-species guide to those reptiles most commonly seen in the pet trade today. We will be updating on a semi-regular basis (hopefully weekly), and will include excrutiating detail on care, captive requirements, and special needs of various reptilian species. 

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