Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Plan

Consider this my New Year's Resolution for 2011...before we all die horribly in 2012 :P

1) Get settled in Ashland, Oregon, establishing a permanent (for the next two years at least) residence down there where my reptiles are welcome.

2)Have all three of my current herps checked out by veterinary services, complete workup.

3) New cages for all three of them. I now have a sufficiently sized cage for each animal. I have a 30 gallon Vision cage for my Bearded Dragon, a 20 Gallon for the Uromastyx (specifically 20 gallon rather than 20-long, to provide more depth and range of height, more on that later), and a 20-long for my Schneider's Skink.

4) Work on improving the general health and longevity of my main three reptiles BEFORE considering adding new animals from my acquisition list, which will be discussed come my next post.